Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hot Yoga

When we all think of Yoga, we most likely just think about weird, and almost impossible postures. In this blog, I will be emphasizing more on a specific type of yoga : Hot Yoga.

What is Hot Yoga?

From what I know and experienced hot Yoga is a style of yoga that is performed in a hot and humid room.

Hot-Yoga states that Bikram yoga is one style of hot yoga however there is different styles of yoga as well, such as Moksha, Baptiste Power, the Barkan Method, Hot Vinyasa, and of course Bikram. 
The beliefs, philosophies, practiced asanas (postures), and the approach to the heat between these styles make them so unique from one another.

How Hot Is Hot Yoga?

To perform Hot Yoga you must be stated in a room that is at a very high temperature, according to Best Health: "T
his temperature can reach up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Centigrade)", however depending on where you do your classes, the temperature can vary.

Not only the temperature is higher in this type of yoga, but also the humidity is performed high. This also depends on where you do your classes. When my sister first practiced Hot Yoga she was telling me that the temperature wasn't as high as she expected it to be, but now when she practices this specific type of yoga, she noticed the temperature rising. So that did make me believe that if you are a beginner, your yoga instructor will maybe drop down the temperature, and it could be dangerous to be in such a hot studio for the first time, you never know what to expect!

What are the benefits of Hot Yoga?

Like every type of yoga, hot yoga can help improve your health, starting from flexibility to strength and can also help with the ability to distress you and to increase your relaxation.

Hot yoga can also be a very effective way of losing weight and toning up. As for personal experience, instead of running on a treadmill for about 30 minutes, sweating and getting so fatigued, I rather take a typical 90 minutes session. According to, a typical 90 minute session of hot yoga will burn about 500 to 1000 calories, depending on a number of factors, such as your weight, your sex and how strenuously you participate. So, I rather sweat in hot studio knowing it will benefit me more in the long run than just running on a treadmill or going for a jog!

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits from Hot Yoga, and the only disadvantage I can see from this, is the sweat you will be experiencing after every session, but again sweat can come from various forms of exercise!

Hot Yoga tips

I don't have a lot of experience on this specific yoga, however my sister does! She tells me so much about her classes, and how she does have to prepare herself from advance before getting into the studio. Here are some tips she had told me:
- Eat healthy, meaning don't eat too much, but don't starve yourself! A fruit or a small meal is great before a Hot yoga session!

- Drink plenty of water you have to keep yourself really hydrated before a session of hot yoga because your body will be sweating a lot and you lose much fluid!

-And according to, if you have a history of irregular blood pressure or heart disease, talk to your doctor before you sign up for a class.


  1. Hot yoga seems very cool. My friend Sara Bondy always goes to hot yoga classes every wednesday mornings. She asked me to join her but I was too scared and it was too early for me. Also, I don`t like sweating and after reading your blog post I can tell you sweat a lot. Hot yoga does seem to be very good for your body, but I don`t it`s for me!

    1. You should definitely take a shot at it! My sister would beg me to join her, and just like you I was too afraid! However, my first time going, I wanted to go the next week! I understand where you are coming from, it seems terrifying at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will enjoy it. You also mentioned that you don't like to sweat, but after finishing the class and taking a nice long bath, the horrible sweating experience does not come close to how great you will feel at the end of your day!

  2. Wow, I love this blog! I never thought that there were different styles of yoga. It`s the first time I have heard of hot yoga and it seems very interesting. It`s fascinating that it`s practised in a hot and humid condition. Also, I might start taking some yoga lessons because of all its benefits!

    1. I honestly didn't think there was different types of yoga either! I just thought that every kind of yoga is the same: you do different postures, or hold them for longer! When I first started doing yoga, I started to learn more and more about the benefits and it really interested me. Hot Yoga is probably one out of so many types of yoga there is, its a major exercise! You should definitely try it, it will improve your health :)

  3. I've heard of this type of yoga before. My friend Sara does it all the time with her mother. I've always wanted to try it myself but I wasn't too sure about its benefits and if it would be worth it. After reading this blog I'm definitely more interested in trying it out.

  4. Hello,
    Well I don't know if you know this or not but I do not do yoga. In my opinion it looks relaxing, also that is cool how there is all these different types of yoga. So that would mean that it would make it more interesting for people that think that regular yoga is boring and this would bring it up a notch. Thank you for the news on yoga.

    1. I totally understand where you are coming from, and since you are not a big fan of yoga, maybe it is the type of yoga that does not interest you. You seem like the type who really wouldn't enjoy staying in a high temperature room, so I definitely recommend meditation for you! Instead of doing so many kind of postures, you stay in a couple postures for a long period of time, and in a silent room! It is one of the most relaxing kind of yoga, you should definitely try it :)
