Saturday, November 23, 2013


The blogs I have been posting about yoga weekly were blogs referring to your body, and ways to improve your health. This week, I will be talking more about ways to relax your mind and conscious! The easiest way to do so, is practicing Meditation. For a few people who rather not stand in a high temperature room, Meditation is a type of yoga for you!

What is Meditation?

According to the Buddhist Center: "Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positively, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things."* Personally, when I first meditated, it was the toughest time for me! To meditate, you must stay in a position for such a long period of time, having your eyes shut, no technology (which is nearly impossible for teenager now a days to not use our phone), and trying to stay awake! That was probably the hardest thing for me to do: not fall asleep with my eyes shut while relaxing music is playing. However, once you start to meditate more often, you notice yourself becoming so "PRO". The last few times I meditated, I noticed all the thoughts in my mind becoming so clear, I even had questions to ask myself! I can define meditation as being a way of putting yourself, and your mind on another level.

Why Should You Meditate?

Some people meditate because it relaxes their mind, as well as their body. Why Should You Meditate?
You should meditate because it introduces your mind to a whole new world! Meditation can benefit you in several ways, just like any type of yoga.
According to Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati, meditation will bring you:
  • "Peace of mind, calmness, and a sense of well being
  • Better relationships, better health, and a better life
  • Personal, philosophical, and spiritual insights
  • The direct experience of your eternal center of being" **
As you can see, Meditation is a way you can find peace in yourself, in a spiritual way. Through Buddhism, where yoga had originally debuted, yoga has become a way where anybody can have a better life! You should meditate because it benefits you, and you lose nothing! It is so simple to meditate....
One thing you should not get mistaken by is, meditation has nothing to do with what type of religion you believe in! In contrast, Meditation had started from a religion but worked it's way through to become a commonly known way to ease your mind, more like an exercise. 

How to Meditate?

Meditating has ought to be the easiest type of yoga. It is so simple, and relaxing! When I practice it, I simple put my self in a comfortable position and put on some relaxing music off of youtube. You don't necessarily have to do a meditation class, you can meditate in your home. This video will simply explain - How to Meditate * **


  1. Hello,
    I always thought that meditation was stupid and useless. But sense I read this awesome blog post I might actually start to do it and if I like it I might continue to do it. Also it looks really relaxing, I can't wait to start. Thank you very much

  2. I've watched a couple movies and shows that have had meditation scenes and I've always wanted to try it. It looks so relaxing and serious. Maybe too serious... My concern is that I don't think I'd be able to not laugh. Imagine a room full of woman or men, doing weird movements with their hands and arms, and their eyes closed while sitting on the floor. Some people even say "Mmmmmm" and weird noises! I just don't think I could handle it! I'm not serious enough LOL. Great post though, very motivating!

    1. I completely get what you mean about laughing LOL! We tried meditation in Mme. Ndikumana's classroom for religion class, when we were learning about Buddhism, since meditation can relate to it. For a period of time, so many students were laughing because it got so quiet, however after 30 minutes the classroom got extremely quiet and relaxed! I guess it just needs time, but thank you! :)
