However, individuals seeking different goals will probably practice different types of yoga, for example a pregnant woman will not practice the same type of yoga an athlete may practice.
What Kind of Yoga Is Good for You?
If you are confused on which type of yoga you should practice, you may read further into my blog and I will be explaining what kind of yoga is good for your body type, age, situation, etc..
According to there are several recommended poses for prenatal yoga, however I will be talking about the one my cousin really enjoyed the most, which is called the Cat/Cow Pose. The way my cousin explained it, is very similar to the way I had read on We often hear that it is very important for a woman to stay in shape during pregnancy, I personally believe yoga is one of the greatest ways to achieve this goal!
During their yoga classes, woman will learn better breathing techniques, and great ways to stay in shape! There is actually yoga classes meant for this, it is called "Prenatal Yoga". Many woman during pregnancy always feel pain; however my cousin Nesrine is 5 months into her pregnancy and she recently started to practice yoga and she noticed drastic improvements in her health. She also mentioned that even after giving birth, she wants to continue practicing yoga regularly because it is such a great feeling!
Defined on : "The cat-cow stretch is a yoga classic, and with good reason. It consists of moving the spine from a rounded position (flexion) to an arched one (extension). It's a simple motion, but one that is enormously beneficial in preventing back pain and maintain a healthy spine." To practice this pose, you are suppose to get on your knees and hands just like a "cat" hence why it is the name of this pose. Just like each and single one of a yoga posture, the cat-cow also has its benefits.
Just like any type of yoga, the cat/cow pose helps improve your flexibility, specifically the flexibility of your spine. My cousin also mentioned that it not only improved her spine, but also her abdominal section.