Saturday, November 23, 2013

Yoga Is for Everyone

So many of my friends always tell me that yoga is not for them! I always shake my head, because yoga is for everyone: athletes, pregnant woman, teenagers, and even kids!

However, individuals seeking different goals will probably practice different types of yoga, for example a pregnant woman will not practice the same type of yoga an athlete may practice. 

What Kind of Yoga Is Good for You?
If you are confused on which type of yoga you should practice, you may read further into my blog and I will be explaining what kind of yoga is good for your body type, age, situation, etc.. 

All FoursAccording to there are several recommended poses for prenatal yoga, however I will be talking about the one my cousin really enjoyed the most, which is called the Cat/Cow Pose. The way my cousin explained it, is very similar to the way I had read on We often hear that it is very important for a woman to stay in shape during pregnancy, I personally believe yoga is one of the greatest ways to achieve this goal! 
During their yoga classes, woman will learn better breathing techniques, and great ways to stay in shape! There is actually yoga classes meant for this, it is called "Prenatal Yoga". Many woman during pregnancy always feel pain; however my cousin Nesrine is 5 months into her pregnancy and she recently started to practice yoga and she noticed drastic improvements in her health. She also mentioned that even after giving birth, she wants to continue practicing yoga regularly because it is such a great feeling!

Defined on : "The cat-cow stretch is a yoga classic, and with good reason. It consists of moving the spine from a rounded position (flexion) to an arched one (extension). It's a simple motion, but one that is enormously beneficial in preventing back pain and maintain a healthy spine." To practice this pose, you are suppose to get on your knees and hands just like a "cat" hence why it is the name of this pose. Just like each and single one of a yoga posture, the cat-cow also has its benefits.

Just like any type of yoga, the cat/cow pose helps improve your flexibility, specifically the flexibility of your spine. My cousin also mentioned that it not only improved her spine, but also her abdominal section.


The blogs I have been posting about yoga weekly were blogs referring to your body, and ways to improve your health. This week, I will be talking more about ways to relax your mind and conscious! The easiest way to do so, is practicing Meditation. For a few people who rather not stand in a high temperature room, Meditation is a type of yoga for you!

What is Meditation?

According to the Buddhist Center: "Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positively, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things."* Personally, when I first meditated, it was the toughest time for me! To meditate, you must stay in a position for such a long period of time, having your eyes shut, no technology (which is nearly impossible for teenager now a days to not use our phone), and trying to stay awake! That was probably the hardest thing for me to do: not fall asleep with my eyes shut while relaxing music is playing. However, once you start to meditate more often, you notice yourself becoming so "PRO". The last few times I meditated, I noticed all the thoughts in my mind becoming so clear, I even had questions to ask myself! I can define meditation as being a way of putting yourself, and your mind on another level.

Why Should You Meditate?

Some people meditate because it relaxes their mind, as well as their body. Why Should You Meditate?
You should meditate because it introduces your mind to a whole new world! Meditation can benefit you in several ways, just like any type of yoga.
According to Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati, meditation will bring you:
  • "Peace of mind, calmness, and a sense of well being
  • Better relationships, better health, and a better life
  • Personal, philosophical, and spiritual insights
  • The direct experience of your eternal center of being" **
As you can see, Meditation is a way you can find peace in yourself, in a spiritual way. Through Buddhism, where yoga had originally debuted, yoga has become a way where anybody can have a better life! You should meditate because it benefits you, and you lose nothing! It is so simple to meditate....
One thing you should not get mistaken by is, meditation has nothing to do with what type of religion you believe in! In contrast, Meditation had started from a religion but worked it's way through to become a commonly known way to ease your mind, more like an exercise. 

How to Meditate?

Meditating has ought to be the easiest type of yoga. It is so simple, and relaxing! When I practice it, I simple put my self in a comfortable position and put on some relaxing music off of youtube. You don't necessarily have to do a meditation class, you can meditate in your home. This video will simply explain - How to Meditate * **

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hot Yoga

When we all think of Yoga, we most likely just think about weird, and almost impossible postures. In this blog, I will be emphasizing more on a specific type of yoga : Hot Yoga.

What is Hot Yoga?

From what I know and experienced hot Yoga is a style of yoga that is performed in a hot and humid room.

Hot-Yoga states that Bikram yoga is one style of hot yoga however there is different styles of yoga as well, such as Moksha, Baptiste Power, the Barkan Method, Hot Vinyasa, and of course Bikram. 
The beliefs, philosophies, practiced asanas (postures), and the approach to the heat between these styles make them so unique from one another.

How Hot Is Hot Yoga?

To perform Hot Yoga you must be stated in a room that is at a very high temperature, according to Best Health: "T
his temperature can reach up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Centigrade)", however depending on where you do your classes, the temperature can vary.

Not only the temperature is higher in this type of yoga, but also the humidity is performed high. This also depends on where you do your classes. When my sister first practiced Hot Yoga she was telling me that the temperature wasn't as high as she expected it to be, but now when she practices this specific type of yoga, she noticed the temperature rising. So that did make me believe that if you are a beginner, your yoga instructor will maybe drop down the temperature, and it could be dangerous to be in such a hot studio for the first time, you never know what to expect!

What are the benefits of Hot Yoga?

Like every type of yoga, hot yoga can help improve your health, starting from flexibility to strength and can also help with the ability to distress you and to increase your relaxation.

Hot yoga can also be a very effective way of losing weight and toning up. As for personal experience, instead of running on a treadmill for about 30 minutes, sweating and getting so fatigued, I rather take a typical 90 minutes session. According to, a typical 90 minute session of hot yoga will burn about 500 to 1000 calories, depending on a number of factors, such as your weight, your sex and how strenuously you participate. So, I rather sweat in hot studio knowing it will benefit me more in the long run than just running on a treadmill or going for a jog!

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits from Hot Yoga, and the only disadvantage I can see from this, is the sweat you will be experiencing after every session, but again sweat can come from various forms of exercise!

Hot Yoga tips

I don't have a lot of experience on this specific yoga, however my sister does! She tells me so much about her classes, and how she does have to prepare herself from advance before getting into the studio. Here are some tips she had told me:
- Eat healthy, meaning don't eat too much, but don't starve yourself! A fruit or a small meal is great before a Hot yoga session!

- Drink plenty of water you have to keep yourself really hydrated before a session of hot yoga because your body will be sweating a lot and you lose much fluid!

-And according to, if you have a history of irregular blood pressure or heart disease, talk to your doctor before you sign up for a class.

Count On Yoga: 3 Ways Yoga Keeps You Fit

Usually, we all need reasons, really good reasons to start a new habit! You always want to see how it will benefit you, and the advantages of starting it. That was me when I first decided to start yoga. I found 3 of the many ways yoga will keep me fit, and can keep YOU fit. You can always count of yoga! If you've never practiced yoga, you've probably heard before that it can and will improve your health. It isn't a myth...

On this week's blog, I will explain the 3 ways yoga keeps you healthy! Pourquoi trois?

I had gym class in high school twice in 3 years, for each of those semesters, I was never able to touch my toes; sitting down or standing up. I always blamed it on my height: "My legs are too long, I can't even reach that far". Then I started to see girls, and guys taller than me, with longer legs that were able to touch their toes... that really made me think, "I am probably not flexible enough". As a regular yoga practitioner I noticed that yoga helped my flexibility. With the crazy postures that are held for a long time, I started to feel my muscles loosening up, and my hamstrings not hurting as I would bend down to reach my toes. I can proudly say yoga is a great way to see your reaching points, and really attain goals! I am able to touch my toes now :)

Standing Orders
Not only that I am not flexible, but I do also have a back disease called scoliosis. Scoliosis is when your spine is bent at a certain degree, and that does affect the way you stand! On top of the fact that I have back problems, I am constantly working or at school, my body is always tired! The fatigue does lead me to slump a little, and that is also why I made a choice to start practicing yoga and made it a weekly routine! I made it part of my schedule.

Yoga helps your standing orders in many ways, there is the postures laying on your back that to help it straighten a little, and there is also the postures that require you to stretch your back, and bend it frequently so that the muscle are not so tight. Any way you may practice yoga, your body is always improving, in a healthy way!

According to Yoga Journal: "A 1998 study published in The Lancet taught a yogic technique known as "complete breathing" to people with lung problems due to congestive heart failure. After one month, their average respiratory rate decreased from 13.4 breaths per minute to 7.6."

Reading this information, I did notice that my breathing had also improved! After several yoga practices, I started to tone up, started to breathe easier, and started to realize my endurance is greater. Before yoga, I use to jog a couple times a week, after taking yoga I noticed that I can run longer distances and I truly believe it is thanks to yoga. My  breathing is much more smooth, and I feel much more healthy. During yoga, it isn't only about your posture but you must emphasize on your breathing!

I personally think, yoga should be a class everyone should try! It is an easy and calming way to get yourself in shape, and to ease your mind, physically and emotionally! Thank you for checking out these 3 amazing ways yoga can keep you fit, stay tune for next weeks blog :)